DHCS LEA Billing AWG Meeting Summary, January 25, 2023
On Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023, DHCS held their LEA Billing Advisory Workgroup (AWG) meeting. There were a couple of noteworthy items from this meeting we wanted to call attention to:
CRCS Interim Settlement Percentage. Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) announced the Cost and Reimbursement Comparison Schedule (CRCS) interim settlement percentages for SFY 2020/21 and onward will be 60%/100%. If the LEA is owed additional reimbursements per their CRCS submission, they will receive an interim payment of 60% from DHCS. Whereas, if the LEA owes money back to DHCS per their CRCS submission, DHCS will require the LEA issue payment in full. Interim settlements will occur prior to the audit process, and once the audit is complete, there will be a final settlement.
Public Health Emergency (PHE) Unwinding Plan. DHCS allotted some time to review its unwinding plan and its impact on LEAs. While the PHE is still in effect until April 11, 2023, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (CAA) enacted on Dec. 29, 2023, decoupled continuous enrollment and the temporary FMAP increase from the PHE. In summary, the continuous enrollment condition will end on March 31, 2023, and the temporary Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP) increase will be gradually reduced and phased down beginning April 1, 2023 and will end on December 31, 2023.
While materials have not yet been posted for this past meeting, when they are, you will find the DHCS archive of meeting materials here.
Later that afternoon, DHCS also conducted a training on the requirements for the 2021/22 CRCS. The most notable items from that meeting include:
New CRCS Submission Requirements. Starting with SFY 2021/22 CRCS reports, LEAs will be asked to submit additional supporting documents with their CRCS, including: 1) electronically signed certification page (PDF), 2) financial/grouping bridging documents, and 3) a production log.
Rate Rebasing. DHCS has announced plans to rebase the interim payment rates received by LEAs throughout the year on their individual service claim submissions. As such, DHCS is requiring that LEAs submit with their SFY 2021/22 CRCS the paid working hours for staff and contractors reported on the CRCS.
Paradigm will be discussing all of these topics and more in its upcoming Education Series—if interested, we welcome you to join us for this no-cost event.