Provider Orientation Packet
& Training Videos
The Provider Orientation Packet offers comprehensive information about the LEA Medi-Cal Billing Program, including provider requirements and links to supplemental resources. Scroll down to watch Paradigm’s Provider Orientation videos for an in-depth overview of the program.
Included in the packet:
SHN Training Video Links
Billable Services Guidelines
Billing Program Features
Recordkeeping Standards
Non-Nursing Services
Join Melanie Longo for a comprehensive orientation on Non-Nursing Services as part of the LEA Medi-Cal Billing Program. This 30-minute session will provide essential insights and guidance to help providers navigate the program effectively.
Nursing Services
Join Nancy Valdez for an in-depth orientation on Nursing Services within the LEA Medi-Cal Billing Program. This 40-minute session is designed to equip providers with the necessary knowledge and skills to optimize their participation in the program.

Essential Program Resource Guides
Click any of the buttons below to download your specific resource guide.