LEA Billing Basics

This workshop introduces you to the LEA Billing program in California and its features. If you are looking to strengthen your foundational understanding of the program, please join us!

SMAA Program Basics

This workshop introduces you to the School Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (“SMAA”) program in California and its features. If you are looking to strengthen your foundational understanding of the program, please join us!

Medi-Cal Programs Onboarding Process

If your school is considering starting up their Medi-Cal billing programs for the first time, this workshop is for you!

Audit Process Orientation

This workshop introduces you to audit process for both LEA Billing and SMAA in California.

Interim Claiming & CRCS Fundamentals

This workshop moves beyond the basics and expands on the LEA Billing claiming process and how reimbursements are ultimately determined.

Audit Readiness Checklists

This workshop focuses on the details related to ‘what’ is required in an audit—the checklist of items you need in order to safeguard your LEA Billing and SMAA reimbursements.

Rosters & Participation

Program coordinators must be meticulous with their provider qualifications and RMTS TSP rosters because they are fundamental to both LEA Billing and SMAA.

CRCS Back Casting Update 

This is a mission critical informational workshop detailing what’s to come as California LEAs prepare to submit the first of five back casted CRCS claims in the coming month.

Impact of RMTS, Authorizations & Parent Consent 

This workshop will take a deep dive into the data and illustrate just how impactful the TSP list, authorizations, and parent consent rates impact LEA Billing interim claiming.

Ask Us Anything! Part I

Time has been set aside each Friday to allow for an open discussion on questions that are submitted (by you) during the week. We will also have an open call for all other questions.

General Ed Billing & Overcoming the Barriers 

If you are positioning your LEA to bill for general education services, please join us.

Billing for Transportation 

If your LEA Billing program is well-established and you’re looking for a boost, transportation may be where it’s at.

What SHN Can Do! 

SHN is more than a means to capture services for Medi-Cal billing—it offers so much more!

Program Management Best Practices 

Second to safeguarding program reimbursements, program coordinators are key to establishing finely tuned processes that ensure full participation within guidelines and regulation. This is a big job! This workshop will be hands-on, providing a space for you to assess strengths and weaknesses in the management of your LEA Billing and SMAA programs.

Creating a Culture of Compliance

Designing, implementing, and then maintaining a system that centers program compliance is a big job! In this workshop, the components of a ‘compliance program’ for school Medicaid claiming will be explored along with strategies for maintaining a culture that fosters compliance.

SHN Learning Labs: Monitoring Participation

  • Production Entry Trends

  • Treatment Notes

SHN Learning Labs: Managing Orders for Specialized Procedures

  • Updating SP Orders

  • Aligning paper-entry visits to an SP Order

  • Soon-to-expire SP Orders

SHN Learning Labs: Monitoring [All Other] Authorizations

  • Missing, Pending

  • Soon-to-expire Auths

  • On-File Auths & Missing NPI

SHN Learning Labs: Pulling Records for Medi-Cal Audit & Other

  • Service History

  • Authorization History

  • File Attachmets

  • Print View

  • E-Signatures

SHN Learning Labs: Student Manager & Monitoring Parent Consent

  • Filter for Unknown & Eligible Services

  • Bulk Update

SHN Learning Labs: Reporting & Custom Reports

  • Service Entry Trends & Collaborative

  • Problem Providers Custom Report

  • Sharing Custom Reports

Ask Us Anything! Part II

Time has been set aside each Friday to allow for an open discussion on questions that are submitted (by you) during the week. We will also have an open call for all other questions.

Wrap Up & Winners

Closing statements and announcement of Passcode Challenge & Raffle winners.