California Proposed 2021/22 Budget Summary

On Friday, January 8, Governor Newsom released his 2021/22 Budget Summary. The state budget proposal offers a lengthy list of initiatives aimed at helping improve access to healthcare, quality education and economic security through the pandemic and beyond. Those specific to the Medi-Cal program are, a proposed $5 million in one-time funding to establish professional learning networks to increase LEAs capacity to access federal Medi-Cal funds and, funding of $250,000 for a lead COE to provide guidance for Medi-Cal billing within the statewide system of support.

Additionally, the budget summary also requests funding that could expand and make permanent certain telehealth flexibilities authorized during COVID-19 for Medi-Cal providers, as well as funding towards student health which could expand Student Mental Health Services and Special Education, including additional resources for direct services for students.

It is expected that an update to this proposal will not be released until May. In the interim, Paradigm will continue to monitor and post updates accordingly.

Click here to review or download the full Budget Summary.


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