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California's 2024/25 Budget May Revision: Comprehensive Update
In the May revision of California’s 2024-25 budget, significant changes have been made, affecting various areas, including Child and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) and other key initiatives.

Cohort 1 Embarks on CYBHI Fee Schedule Journey
On Thursday, January 25, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) released a draft Guidance document, inviting stakeholders to provide comments until February 7, 2024. In addition, the kick-off meeting for Cohort 1 took place today, January 26, and it was a hive of activity.

Paradigm Celebrates the CYBHI Annual Report: A Year of Empowering Schools
The California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS) has released its much-anticipated annual report on the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), illuminating the strides taken in 2023 to transform the behavioral health landscape for the state's young residents.

California 2024/25 Proposed Budget: Strategic Health Investments Amid Fiscal Challenges
On January 10, 2024, Governor Newsom unveiled the 2024/25 Proposed Budget, crafted in response to a projected $37.9 billion shortfall resulting from stock market declines and income tax collection delays.

New Developments for CYBHI All-Payer Fee Schedule & Learning Cohort 1
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has been actively paving the way for the successful rollout of the CYBHI All-Payer Fee Schedule, with Learning Cohort 1 at the helm of this transformation.

SPA 23-0027: California’s State Plan Amendment to Recognize PPS Credentials in the CYBHI All-Payer Fee Schedule
This SPA aims to include Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credentials in the State Plan, thereby authorizing them to bill through the CYBHI All-Payer Fee Schedule.

SPA 23-0035 (Approved): California’s State Plan Amendment to Increase Reimbursement Rates for Specified Services
This approval set the stage for definitive reimbursement rates under the CYBHI All-Payer Fee Schedule, ensuring equitable compensation for providers and expanded access to services for students.

Critical Milestone for CYBHI All-Payer Fee Schedule: Learning Cohort 1 Selections Announced
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has achieved a landmark step in California’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) by selecting the first cohort of Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to enact the all-payer fee schedule.

A Glimpse into Recent Updates on CYBHI's Transformative Initiatives
In the ever-evolving landscape of California's Child & Youth Behavioral Initiative (CYBHI), this week was marked by a flurry of updates and progress. In this article, we'll turn our attention to the recent developments directly affecting K-12 Local Educational Agencies (LEAs).